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Mich. congresswoman presses Biden over taxpayer-funded housing help for asylum seekers

Rep. Lisa McClain is demanding to know whether migrants residing in the U.S. illegally are receiving the assistance. Rep. Lisa McClain, chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Healthcare and Financial Services, has demanded that President Joe Biden address concerns regarding grants provided by the Refugee Resettlement Office, which provides housing assistance for undocumented immigrants. McClain accused the administration of providing taxpayer-funded benefits to those who deliberately break our laws, while increasing taxes and straining communities. The Refugee Reservation Office funds Michigan's Newcomer Rental Subsidy program, which offers asylum seekers up to $500 worth of rental assistance each month. McClaine also questioned whether migrants are worthy of receiving $500 monthly and if they should be referred to as "newcomers" as Michigan calls them in its program.

Mich. congresswoman presses Biden over taxpayer-funded housing help for asylum seekers

Published : 2 months ago by RAY LEWIS | The National Desk, in Politics

The chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Healthcare and Financial Services demanded Wednesday President Joe Biden address concerns regarding grants provided by the Refugee Resettlement Office.

Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., asked the president in a letter whether his administration is distributing funds to provide housing assistance to undocumented immigrants.

“Your Administration is seemingly hellbent on providing taxpayer-provided benefits to those who deliberately break our laws, all the while making our communities less safe and straining our already depleted social services,” the chairwoman wrote.

The Refugee Resettlement Office funds Michigan’s Newcomer Rental Subsidy program, which offers asylum seekers up to $500 worth of rental assistance each month. Rep. McClain argues the initiative has encumbered Americans with increased taxes as encounters at the southern border rise.

“With your failure to secure our borders, and the yearly number of border encounters increasing from 859,501 in [Fiscal Year 2019] to 1,151,448 in only the first five months of [Fiscal Year 2024], the Refugee Resettlement Program will only burden the U.S. taxpayer with higher costs,” she claimed.

The chairwoman questioned how the Biden administration is ensuring tax dollars are not funneled into housing assistance for undocumented immigrants, as well as how the president views the Refugee Resettlement Office’s awards.

Rep. McClain also asked Biden whether migrants are worthy of receiving $500 monthly and if he believes they should be referred to as “newcomers,” as Michigan calls them in its program.

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“The American people deserve answers to these questions, and as the Chairwoman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Health and Financial Services, my job is to deliver the transparency and accountability taxpayers demand of our government,” she wrote. “If that same government prioritizes illegal aliens over American citizens, the people deserve to know.”

The congresswoman says she is seeking answers to the "troubling" questions by April 19.

Applicants for the Newcomer Rental Subsidy initiative have to be experiencing housing instability, according to its eligibility requirements. They must also be living under 85% of the Federal Poverty Level, residing in an area in which half of the households earn a lower income than most of the surrounding region or maintaining income at or below 60% of area median income while receiving other federal assistance.

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Topics: Taxes, Immigration

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